Friday 25 November 2011

My Audience Survey and What I Found Out

 1. What age bracket are you in?

By asking this question I can work out an age group in which I will be aiming my media product out. By finding this out I can look who to aim my ancillary tasks at.

By looking at the data I have collected I can see I've mainly aimed my questionnaire at 17 to 19 year olds which could effect my data as I have not given a representitive figure for all age groups. I tried to get opinions of all ages although I did not succeed in doing it fairly. Although I do believe my media product will be aimed at a younger generation from 16 to 22 year olds.

2. What gender are you?

By asking this question I can figure out what gender I can aim my product at.

I can see from the data that I have mainly asked an even amount of people when questioning them.

3. What genre of music do you like? (Multiple Choice)

By asking this question I can see what types of genre are favoured and what genre is more preferred therefore helping me base my decision for my genre of music for my video.

I can see half of the pie chart is favoured by rop and rock. With my preferred artist being Paolo Nutini this to me has supported my decision to do a song from this artist because he sings songs from this genre,

4. What are your favourite kind of music video's?

By asking this question it allows me to consider what type of music video I should base my video around.

All three kinds of music video seem popular so therefore I may mix up my themes and have two I like the idea of having a concept video however I think this could be hard to produce. I also like the idea of a narrative video playing along to a story and this also seems favoured by the people I ask fro my questionnaire but I would also play some performance based shots within playing up to the camera.

5. What is your favourite music video and why?

Here are a few examples of what people said were their favourites.

6. Where do you get your music from?

By asking this question I can see who where people buy media products and where I would aim my products.

I can see buying online is very popular so therefore if I were producing music, I am more likely to try and sell it online by Itunes, Spotify and Google Music.

7. Do you prefer music videos that are lyrically relevant or abstract?

I can see from my questionnaire that people prefer relevant lyrics so therefore matching what people do in lyrics when they sing it.

8. What do you expect to see in music videos?

The main response from this is women portrayed as sex symbols, I am going to break this and stick to an interesting theme.

9. Do you think females are portrayed in a positive way in music video's? And why?

People said that females aren't portrayed positively, I can see this has changed from the early years of music video where females like Joan Jett where portrayed as strong individuals.

10. What aspects of music videos do you like and what makes them interesting?

People said that they liked the idea of concept music videos that are different from the rest and break the norms and conventions which make they more interesting.

11. What do you prefer?

I can see from the questionnaire that people prefer energic, fast paced music. So therefore I will do a fast song in which I will have fast pace editing to go with this.

12. Do you like the artist, Paolo Nutini, or any of his songs?

I can see people like the artist Paolo Nutini, which means that people will like his songs in order for me to make one into a music video.

13. What do you feel when you listen to his song, New Shoes?

People said they liked this song but I also found out that people also really liked his song Jenny don't be hasty so therefore I will consider using this song for my music video.

14. What colours do you prefer?

By asking this question I can find out what colours people prefer so therefore by finding this out I can see what colours I should use in my music video. People predered bright vivid colours so therefore I will use them in my video, in which bright, vivid colours will attract the audiences attentsion.

15. What fashion style do you prefer?

I can see that people prefer a casual style of clothing not going over the top so therefore I will try and stick to this. Although I like the idea of the postmodern approach to the changing of the modern world.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic range of questions and I like that way you have linked your findings to your project!
