Tuesday 20 September 2011

Importance Of Music Video.

Why have music videos?
o   To promote the star.
o   To win awards.
o   To send a message.
o   To create hype around the arist or a new album.
o   To put a voice to the person.
o   Make money – Commercialisation, Product Placement.
o   To make the song more visual.
o   Explosure.
o   Viral Marketing.

The purpose of music videos...

o   Promotes the single amd, normally, an album.
o   Sets the ‘meanings’ of a song by the use of images.
o   Creates, adapts or feeds into ‘Star Image’.
Elements Of Music Video:
o   Performance
o   Narrative
o   Concept
-          Thematic
-          Symbolic

1 comment:

  1. Try and apply these ideas to some music vidoes you like and think about how you could try to do similar or different things in your own work
    I love your background!
