Friday 16 September 2011

Music Video Inspiration.

The Black keys have a contious streak of hilarious videos. Their videos are innovative with new ideas which escape the boudries of convential  music videos, especially with their Howlin' For You video.

 "Howlin' For You"

The Black Keys' latest video, for "Howlin' For You," is such a perfect parody of a movie trailer that you may actually forget you're not watching a preview. I like that it is different to any other music video I have seen, its gets a cineomatic makeover which makes it truely original. It breaks the typical conventions for any music video making it into a paraody in the form of a movie trailer and to the unexpected eye that what it infact is until the band memembers make an entrance at the end. The reason why I love this video is that they do not take themselves to seriously, they make fun of their video. When considering what music video I would like to make I will consider in turning my music video into a movie trailer as this will break the conventions and make a new style of music video for the next generation.

"Tighten Up"

I love this music video because what is essentially a simple idea for a music video they have made it fun and one of my favourites. In my own work I like the idea of using a younger character to represent the character in their earlier years. However I know this will be hard taking into account I will have to find an actor to play the part.

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