Monday 16 January 2012

Evaluation Of Past Student Work

Triple Trouble - Beastie Boys


They have used a billboard shot from photo booth however for my liking this shot ruins the feel of the video. They are suppose to be a famous group therefore you would expect them to have a real billboard.   

There are some minor lip sync errors which do not always go to the music well however I think they have done extremely well with such a fast song to actually be able to get some good lip sync in.

I think they have done colour correction well however I think it is over used.


I like the fast walking sequence at the beginning, it gives you a sense of the streets and this is where these people are suppose to be from and are creating the whole feeling of the streets. 

One thing that I think makes this video stand out and it will be highly unnoticeable to most is the cuts to the beat. They make this look really simple but in reality it would take extreme patients and time. I think they do this really well in the London sequence. In the song it scratches so this group have then decided to try and mimic this sound movement within their music video music by using the slightest little cut movements.

'BAM' - The group have noticed a sound drop and taken advantage of it. The sound is very fast paced and then the beat drops and the group does a stand still shot but with the actors jumping back into the screen which shows great placement of actors within the frame.

Pictures created to the lyrics 'what the Helen of Troy is that' so therefore they have pictures taken from the film Troy and bring them in a the right time matching the lyrics. 

Shot duplicate - They have used layering adding two shots together which has created a very nice shot with him talking to himself in the same shot. I think this is effective and shows good final cut skills. I hope to reduplicate this in my own work. The shot has been made black and white however they have used colour correction to make the colours of his top stand out.

The costume, locations and props are very suiting to this genre.

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