Thursday 5 January 2012

Stop Motion.

Her Morning Elegance

Oren Lavie

This concept music video of stop motion is work I would love to put into my own work. I think this video is unique and no wonder it has had over 20 million views on youtube even from a not well known artist.  

The stop-motion wonderment that is the video for his song "Her Morning Elegance" is totally mesmerizing. It was shot in all stills, so thousands of photos from a camera hanging over the bed had to be edited together to create this little gem. 

This music video is about a girl and what happens through her sleep. Kind of like a dream and what she is thinking about happens accept there is a lyric match at some points therefore that triggers a prop to come into the shot and also the bed sheets may change colour which sets the scene in a different location but within the same location of the room.

This video may seem so simple within its first watch however it is so complex with thousands of shots being taken and edited together. It may be simple with the fact it is one girl on a bed with the appearance of the artist and they wear simple white and black clothing. Every time the actors move by the slightest a shot must be taken which takes a lot of time.

 This video is set in one location taken from still shots which have been edited together to make this great stop motion music video. The camera is placed in the same place throughout making all the shots consistent with another. 

This video demonstrates a few of Goodwin's 7. One of Goodwin's theory is that there is a link between lyrics and visuals which there are within. Also a believe there is a link between music and visuals because the tone of the song is soft and calm so therefore this would be something that you could associate with sleep so therefore makes fitting visuals.

I love this video is is unique and therefore stands out for me. I would love to use stop motion in my video however I don't think that it will fit in with the tone of my video so therefore I would be able to use it however if I would have chosen another video I would have loved to take this idea forward and added it into my own work.

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